Equations of Destiny or Destiny of Equations in Afghanistan

The direction of events with the withdrawal of America from Afghanistan is still shrouded in a cloud of geopolitical ambiguity and the disorderly Atlantic policy has left the Afghanistan arena without any clear achievement and is rewriting a new definition of exploitation of the situation in Afghanistan.
30 November 2021
view 4465
Mohammad Farhad Koleini

 The direction of events with the withdrawal of America from Afghanistan is still shrouded in a cloud of geopolitical ambiguity and the disorderly Atlantic policy has left the Afghanistan arena without any clear achievement and is rewriting a new definition of exploitation of the situation in Afghanistan. According to some estimates, these conditions are related to the relocation and pivot to the Pacific and focus on containing China in the new era. This strategic action of the US may possibly be considered as the redefinition and of role and style and military arrangement aimed at hitting remote blows in Afghanistan.

In the regional and international experts’ view, the present situation, after the Taliban took over power in Kabul and established a relative dominance over the situation, is being reconsidered by some interfering powers for a transitioning period or entrance onto a level of domestic clashes in some provinces. According to a UN report, the ISIS conducted about 60 military operations last year, while this year the number has increased to 345.

The region’s security is the main concern of many countries. It is important how predictable and dominant the Taliban current, considering its cultural and security style, is and also how the New Taliban is defined by international experts. Taliban’s  capability in governance as an index of change is for some a tactical change and for some others a metamorphosis from Para-militarism into the seat of administration. But it must be considered if Taliban is a structural hypothesis and will remain with this topography or we will be witnessing periodical and political ebb and flow of differences in the central management area or the Taliban’s expectations will be based on states. The Taliban’s status in inside and the amount of readiness for basic change have for now been influenced by the international demand and civil expectations and the Taliban leaders have not yet of themselves shown an initiative and signs of adaptation to a diverse civil society as a new will or maybe this matter is conditioned to the completion of the new Constitution. But in the ups and downs of the development,s the Conditional Emirates  is showing its face.

Equations of destiny, considering the continuation of developments and not properly addressing the determining factors in the relative stability construct in this country, have become a variable dependent on the destiny of combined equations and have led most players to pay attention to the approach of stage-expectation interaction. This can lead to a new round of rivalry for increasing the costs of future-building in this oppressed country.

The meaning of integrity from inside has a close relation with the generation of regional integrity, considering the historical texture and the whirlpool of ethnic interests. Positive acculturation in this country needs a proper inference of the text by the leaders, proximity of the religions, and separation of the school of Takfirism from brotherhood of Muslims. The Taliban leaders, in balancing with the governments, have so far tried to use an interactive rhetoric and distance themselves from obeying foreigners, at least in appearance.

The reality is that the Equations of Destiny are correlated with the Destiny of Equations and there is need for a well-wishing will among the Afghan ethnic and religious groups and for prevention of cultural monopoly. Also the regional countries must put on agenda the way of good to help the afghan people, as the principle of neighborliness. Experience has shown that a close neighbor is more important than a far friend.

,Mohammad Farhad Kolaini

     (The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the IPIS)



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