Commemoration of the UN ِDay in Tehran

Text of the speech of Dr. Mohammad Hassan Sheikh Al-Islami, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Head of the Office of Political and International Studies on the occasion of the ۷۶th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, Wednesday, December ۳۱, Tehran
8 December 2021
view 4305

Your Excellencies,

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

 It is a special privilege to address you today, on the commemoration of the 76th anniversary of the United Nations.

Seventy-six years ago, after the disastrous World War II, the United Nations was founded, committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights. UN Day is an appropriate reminder for its salient role in protecting the efforts towards implementation of UN charter goals and principles.

Distinguished Guests,

Since the inspiration for the foundation of the United Nations has been based upon multilateralism and denial of unilateralism, it raised hopes for a multilateral and lawful world management, while unfortunately after 76 years we are witnessing a regression in the arena of international relations. It seems that confronting the unilateral approaches and policies of the United States and its extraterritorial behavior has undermined the UN’s philosophy of existence and is a violation of the UN charter.

 We believe that taking a consistent and unified position, the UN member states should send a strong message to confront the mentioned approaches and policies and ask for more collaborated measures. The multilateral approach is not a choice but a necessity and exigency for achieving solutions for humanitarian crises. Islamic Republic of Iran believes in multilateralism based on cooperation, collaboration and coordination among all members of international community and the United Nations.

 Ladies and Gentlemen,

Illegal unilateral sanctions are against international law and multilateralism as well as UN’s high desires. The US multidimensional sanctions especially in the circumstances of today’s world facing pandemic, is an obvious evidence of economic terrorism that our country has been enduring for several years. We expect the United Nations and especially the General Assembly to speak with a common voice and condemn the US’ unilateralism and economic terrorism against Iranian people. Instead of adhering to its commitments in JCPOA, the United States while withdrawing the agreement, exerted economic terrorism to Iran and prevented other countries from economic and trade relations with Iran.

Unfortunately, the European countries followed the United States with apathetically indifference. In fact, the US and Europe’s policies in this regard have been against international law and a death blow to multilateralism.

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Another obvious evidence of US state terrorism is the assassination of General Soleimani who used to fight against ISIS extremists in Syria and Iraq. The assassination of General Soleimani proved that fight against terrorism in the US policies is just a rhetoric used as an instrument for achieving political goals and oppressing other states. This is another scenario in which the United States has jeopardized multilateralism as well as regional peace and security for its hegemonic goals.

 Islamic Republic of Iran has once more suffered from US economic terrorism in its access to vaccines as well as medical and therapeutic facilities. It is noteworthy that the Islamic Republic of Iran irrespective of all the unilateral, oppressive and inhuman sanctions, managed to overcome the hardships in combating the COVID 19.

 Ladies and Gentlemen,

Recent developments in Afghanistan have posed serious threats in terms of famine, violence, rise and spread of terrorism and extremism, homelessness, and a new wave of asylum seekers abroad. These threats are primarily aimed at the people of Afghanistan and then at the neighboring countries, the region and the world. The Islamic Republic of Iran has always supported strengthening the role of the UN in Afghanistan and prefers that the various formats developed by countries to assist the peace process be covered by the United Nations or developed by its active participation.

 The United Nations, through its affiliates in Afghanistan such as UNAMA, UNHCR, and other affiliates, plays a vital role in liaising with the interim Taliban government to ensure peace, security and the rights of various ethnic groups and minorities.    

 Having in mind the onset of winter and in the current situation in which a humanitarian catastrophe and famine threaten the people of Afghanistan, dispatching and distributing humanitarian aid to the Afghan people and resolving the refugee situation are among the priorities. Therefore, using the capacity of donor countries to send humanitarian aid to Afghanistan and facilitating the process of receiving and distributing this aid to the people of that country is one of the vital tasks of the United Nations.

 Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Islamic Republic of Iran has hosted about 4 million Afghan citizens for four decades, and despite all the sanctions, economic pressure and the recent rise of COVID 19, has tried to be a good host during all these years, but it is necessary for international organizations to be more active in performing their duties towards the humanitarian situation in this country in order to avoid further deportation of the noble people of Afghanistan.

Despite the significant efforts of some UN agencies to meet the needs of refugees through the absorption of international aid, I must emphasize that given the high volume of needs and expenditures in this regard, this assistance is minimal and far from enough. My country, while doing this public service to the world with self-sacrifice, has on various occasions emphasized the need to adjust the current burden-sharing approach by establishing a fair model and, consequently, a just and reasonable burden-sharing mechanism.

However, protecting refugees is a humanitarian duty and an international responsibility that must be done in a collective manner. While we are constantly talking about no one being left behind, it is absolutely essential that we make sure that the refugees and their hosts do not fall behind.

In view of these points and in view of the current difficult situation which prevents the Islamic Republic of Iran from carrying out its mission single-handed, I would like to urgently ask the United Nations system and the international community to show their active and strong cooperation towards the humanitarian mission of working for a permanent solution for the long-standing issue of Afghan refugees.

 Ladies and gentlemen;

Ongoing consultations and coordination between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Special Representatives of the UN Secretary-General for Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan have been pursuing in recent years, and fortunately have yielded successful results. The Islamic Republic of Iran has continuously supported the efforts of the United Nations and the UNAMI mission in Iraq and UNAMA in Afghanistan, and has maintained ongoing contacts with the Special Representatives of the Secretary-General for Yemen and Syria in order to strengthen the role of the United Nations.

The Islamic Republic of Iran considers itself committed to contributing to the peace and stability process and to the establishment of security and tranquility in the West Asian region, especially in Yemen, Syria and Afghanistan, and in this regard, welcomes and supports any solution that is achieved through the cooperation of all the parties involved. The Islamic Republic of Iran entered Syria at the formal request of the legitimate government of Syria with the aim of fighting terrorism, helping to preserve Syria's territorial integrity and supporting its national sovereignty, and will continue the fight against terrorism and occupation along with the Syrian government and people.

 We believe in a political solution to the Syrian crisis in the format of the Astana Process talks. The illegal foreign presence in Syria, whether in the form of establishing a military base or stealing the national capital of this country, such as oil, or in the form of occupying the Syrian territory, as we see in the Golan Heights, is against international law and is therefore rejected and  is illegitimate.


Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The efforts of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the international arena have been to establish international peace and security, to fight terrorism, to adhere to the principles of international law and to move towards multilateralism. The policy of interaction and constructive relations with the world has always been on the agenda of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Islamic Republic has always insisted on it. The policy of good neighborliness, expanding relations with our neighbors and providing a more secure and a more developed region, in a main priority in Iran’s foreign policy.

We seek good relations with all our Northern, Eastern, Southern and Western neighbors and have always been willing for resolving regional and international issues through dialogue and negotiation. Although we believe that negotiations should promptly lead to tangible results and be a provider of our national interests.

 Thanks for your attention




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