The US presidential elections results and the winning party’s policies are influential in domestic developments and political and international relations and cooperation of the US with countries, various geographical regions and international institutes. Considering Europe’s dependence on America especially in defense and security terms as well as strong economic bonds, the US Europe relations , and as a result, the European relations with other countries have always been influenced by the US internal developments. Learning from the past especially the Trump four-year term in office, as long as Europe defines its security and defense in relation with that of the US and remains compliant and silent visa vis the oppressive US policies, the Islamic republic of Iran cannot enter into effective dialogue with Europe.
The US constitution and political structure as well as varying approaches of the republican and democratic parties toward major political, regional and international subjects make the US presidential elections important, and which of the two major parties wins the election will influence the domestic developments and political and international cooperation and relations of the US with other countries, various geographical regions and international institutes. Meanwhile, considering Europe’s dependence on America especially in defense and security terms as well as strong economic bonds, with each year totaling to 1.3 trillion dollars of goods and services trade and 6 trillion dollars mutual investment, the US Europe relations , and as a result, the European relations with other countries have always been influenced by the US internal developments. For example, during the four-year term of Trump, Europe’s status as a powerhouse has significantly been scaled down and Europe is more aware of its inability in taking regional and international measures without US company and partnership. Although Europe is mainly more in line with the democrats’ approach toward political and international issues, due to European reliance on the US mentioned above, it had to coordinate and cooperate with the republicans during the Trump era and regulate its relations with other states in the world.
The last forty years’ Experiences of the European relations and cooperation with the Islamic republic of Iran are indicative of the fact that the European relations with Iran are also influenced by the US presidential election and its winning party , in other words, influenced by the US European relations.
Comparing the European behavior and performance against the Islamic republic of Iran during the democratic party’s office and Obama’s office with that of the GOP period and the Trump term reveals that Europe follows the US footsteps in policies toward Iran. During the Obama terms, Europe was in line with the US approach toward Iran. During the Trump era, though apparently sometimes the European states criticized his policies, Europe , eventually in practice has had to follow Trump’s policies and approaches toward Iran due to reliance on the US. Because of the US maximum pressure policy and illegal unilateral and extraterritorial sanctions imposed by the US, the European/ Iranian trade ties volume has been falling , altogether, during the Trump term and according to the latest Eurostat center statistics , the total European trade with the Islamic republic of Iran , over the first 8 months of 2020 has fallen by 12.84% compared to the previous year, 2019, to 2.940 billion euros.
This is while, the Islamic republic of Iran, as a regional power with global influence, and the EU with 20% of the world GDP, and as a powerful economic bloc and international player can create mutual trust and confidence, trade and economic bonds and ratify security and political agreements and take steps toward long term political ,economic and defense-security cooperation for mutual interests.
As long as Europe defines its defense and security relying on the US, and keeps its meaningful silence toward unilateral US policies in various political and economic sectors and on the international arena and, sometimes, accompanies them especially in terms of the illegal, oppressive and inhumane sanctions, the Islamic republic of Iran cannot enter into effective dialogue with Europe.
Now with the democratic party and Biden’s victory will European behavior toward Iran change?
Trump regarded Europe not as an ally, but a serious rival of the US global interests, therefore, on various occasions, tried to weaken and belittle Europe on various economic and political subjects on regional and international levels. Now Europe sees Biden winning as an opportunity for reviving and playing its role as a powerful bloc on regional and international matters of issue. The latest EU and E3 (Germany, France and the UK) positions and moves at the last IAEA meeting on Iran in Vienna are regarded as pursuing that line. Although Europe hails the US return to the JCPOA ( during the JCPOA agreement, Europe had a coordinating role not a decision making one), it takes and pursues stricter positions on other matters in dispute with Iran.
Under present circumstances, Europe and especially the UK, Germany, and France are pursuing and putting on their agenda non-upgrading of the Iranian peaceful nuclear program , controlling Iran’s missile program and diminishing its regional influence.
For achieving its interests and regulating its relations with various world states, Europe has constantly selectively abused and exploited concepts such as human rights, democracy, fundamental freedoms, terrorism, nonproliferation of unconventional weapons and free elections, and so on. The European ties and experiences with the Islamic republic of Iran especially in critical and comprehensive talks ,negotiations and the (TCA) and JCPOA cooperation have taught Iran a pressing lesson that the only language Europe understands is that with which it speaks with others ,i.e. the language of force, and any softening of tone and backing down in front of west’s unlawful demands will make the west more aggressive and insolent for achieving their demands.
This does not mean Iran should not negotiate with Europe, but should do any talks and negotiations with Europe in a purposeful, intelligent and planned manner and from a position of self-esteem and reservation and within the framework of the national interests of the Islamic republic of Iran and accurate understanding of the capacities and abilities of Europe.
(The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the IPIS)