The presidential Elections and Ambiguities in the American Democracy

The elections in the US have a complicated mechanism, and this has created differences of opinion between Trump and Biden in the results of the recent US presidential election. There are ۱۷ voting procedures in different US states and in credit rating the US election has ranked ۳۷th among world countries. In the recent election serious problems have arisen concerning how to respond to Trump's objection to the elections informal results and how to legitimize the election and persuade Trump to accept Biden's victory. Apparently , for the next four years, the US polarized society is not going to fare well, and not only the accusations of fraud and lying will be haunting the Biden administration, but also an indefinite future lies ahead of the US domestic politics and the quarrel between the white men and men of color in the US.
25 November 2020
view 1944
Seyed Vahid Karimi

The elections in the US have a complicated mechanism, and this has created differences of opinion between Trump and Biden in the results of the recent US presidential election. There are 17 voting procedures in different US states and in credit rating the US election has ranked 37th among world countries. In the recent election serious problems have arisen concerning how to respond to Trump's objection to the elections informal results and  how to legitimize  the election and persuade Trump to accept Biden's victory. Apparently , for the next four years, the US polarized society is not going to fare well, and not only the accusations of fraud and lying will be haunting the Biden administration, but also an indefinite future lies ahead of the US domestic politics and the quarrel between the white men and men of color in the US.

A balanced and scientific examination of the US developments indicates one principle and three factors. The principle is as the developments pass, we get more familiar with the US electoral system. The US elections have labyrinthian mechanisms, hence the differences between Biden and Trump about the voting system. There are 17 voting methods in different US statesand in credit rating the US election ranks 37th among world countries. The first factor, both candidates by obtaining over 70 million votes have had a neck to neckcompetition which cannot be disregarded. The second factor is Biden's victory which is roughly based on half plus one. This is a common major flaw in most countries' voting systems in which practically half of the voters are ignored. The third factor is the "Pillars of Governance" or the same "Deep State" which wants to restore truthfulness and the Constitution, self-correct the political systemand carry on its perceived correct path.

 In the recent elections, the media, state courts, congress, studies centers, and prominent scientific and political figures have faced problems concerning how to react to Trump's objection to the elections informal results and  how to legitimize  the election and persuade Trump to accept Biden's victory. Some points have to be made in this regard. Donald Trump has directly connected to the politicians, researchers, media and men on the street and intends to establish independent media. Trump's plan, if put into practice, will delegitimize the US system and pillars of governance. On the surface, Trump claims because during his four years of tenure he was accused of collusion with Russia to win the election, he too, will keep broaching the subject of fraud in the election of Biden.

Barack Obama, former US president, has expressed his worries about questioning the US democracy. Most GOP members , for fears of Trump and prevention of party division, have kept mum, though, few swiped at Trump but major GOP leaders are still standing beside Trump.

Pro-Trump protests which are reported in millions or thousands cannot be ignored; because he has over 70 million votes cast for him in the US society anyway. Also it is said that there are accusations against Trump and by making excuses he probably intends to reach a political bargaining to clear his accusations.

Some US media, including the CNN, have compared Trump to Hitler. Trump has replaced senior administrators in the defense ministry which has worried many politicians. Some meetings between Trump and the national security team and US army officers have brought on speculations among the media in the last remaining days of Trump's office he may carry out military strikes in the middle east. He, also , intends to seriously scale down US military presence in Afghanistan and Iraq without advice from his advisors.

It is said that Biden is unable to unify the American people and the risk of domestic terrorism and civil war has been tangibly sensed. The American democracy has been stained and need to be revitalized. The observers believe the US ruling system is self-repairing, but is this self-repairing ability in the line of Biden's policy of multilaterism and unification of the American people or Trump will try to revive his system of "America first", racism and unilaterism in the 2024 presidential election. at issue, here, is the white Americans losing their dominance on the US ruling system , a thing  the republicans in congress are worried about. The congress GOP leader has openly expressed the issue of the white Americans losing the US government, and no doubt, this is one of the reasons of the republicans backing Trump.

It is obvious that trump is in the king maker's position, and may establish a third party and try to win the presidential office again in 2024. Apparently, for the next four years, the US polarized society is not going to fare well, and not only the accusations of fraud and lying will be haunting the Biden administration, but also an indefinite future lies ahead of the US domestic politics and the quarrel between the white and men of color in the US . How much will Biden who confirms the problems ahead be successful is a question that only time can respond.

   (The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the IPIS)

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