Why isn’t the Zionist regime representing the Jews?

During the occupation of Palestine, one of the fictitious narratives of the Zionist regime to justify its heinous crimes is that Israel represents all the Jews of the world. During the recent crimes of the Quds occupation regime in Gaza, US Secretary of State Antony John Blinken, also in the Israeli war room, said: I was present in the war room as a Jew to defend Israel.
01 November 2023
view 4468

During the occupation of Palestine, one of the fictitious narratives of the Zionist regime to justify its heinous crimes is that Israel represents all the Jews of the world. During the recent crimes of the Quds occupation regime in Gaza, US Secretary of State Antony John Blinken, also in the Israeli war room, said: I was present in the war room as a Jew to defend Israel.

Meanwhile, Jewish rabbis have repeatedly stated that the Israeli regime is not a Jewish representative and that hundreds of Jews protesters in the United States have been demonstrating and condemning Israeli crimes in Gaza and have called on the Joe Biden government to set up a ceasefire. In Iran, Siamak Marah Sedegh, a Jewish representative to the Islamic Consultative Assembly, described the practice of Israel as Nazi Germany's behavior during World War II and said: The Zionist regime's crimes against the Palestinian people are reminiscent of Saddam Hussein's treatment with Shiite areas of Iraq and Nazi Germany's behavior during World War I and II against humanity. The main reasons for the world's Jewish non-support for the Zionist regime are:

  1. Zionism is a racist thinking and an anti-Jewish philosophy that believes to try for building an independent land for Jews who are in exile. Opponents of Jews of Zionism say that Israel's behavior is right in the opposite of God's ruling because God is not satisfied to establish a land by committing all kinds of crimes against the Palestinian people; this is a clear violation of Jewish religious law towards other people. Orthodox Jews say we do not support the two countries for two nations. Still, we support the return of the entire occupied territories to the Palestinian people because we believe that the peace-supporting Jews will be able to live peacefully under the Palestinian flag. A spokesman for the American anti-Zionist Jewish Association rejects the fictitious claim of the Israeli regime to represent the Jews: Netanyahu and his parties are trying to enact laws that declare Israel as a country of the Jewish nation. He can never claim Judaism or Jewish people. We, as Orthodox Jews, are opposed to Zionism because by weakening the prospect of the Zionist plan to create two countries, we will soon see more pressure to establish a single democratic country with a Jewish minority. Netanyahu and his parties can never claim Judaism or Jewish people.
  2. Jewish rabbis who oppose Zionism blames the creation of a Jewish state in the land of Palestine before the emergence of Māšîaḥ (Christ) and is therefore opposed to the existence of the Zionist regime. The owners of this thinking have formed an organization called Neturei Karta and led the movement of opposition to the establishment of a Jewish state before the emergence of Christ. The Jewish religion prejudices these organizations and is proud of their Jewish but opposed to Zionism. Recently, Rabbi Davood, a member of the Neturei Karta, told Tasnim News Agency in Washington: Judaism is forbidden and sanctioned by Zionism and the Israeli regime. Neither Israel nor the Zionists have the right to nominate themselves as the Jewish representative of the United States. Judaism sanctions the Israeli regime and the crimes committed in the name of the Jewish religion. Jewish Against the Occupation (JATO), founded in New York in 2000, also considers the continuation of the occupation of the 1967 regions and the expansion of settlement as a kind of racism that is the main cause of insecurity in the region.
  3. Jews opposed to Zionism consider the Israeli government and parties to be secular and non-religious institutions and believe that the Zionist regime has ruled the culture of non-religious and Westernism in the occupied territories in covering the supporting the Jews and abusing the Holocaust. They have betrayed Jewish teachings even by promoting corruption and disobedience.
  4. One of the disagreements between Jews opposed to Zionism with the fake Israeli government is about the forced employment of religious Jews in the army. They say that the Jewish religious scholars have always refused to serve in the army because they oppose the concept of an Israeli independent state and its warfare. Israeli secular parties are determined to bring the religious people into the army.
  5. Rabbis who oppose Israel consider the existence of racism in the occupied territories against Palestinian Muslims and Christians, and even Jews who have been brought to Ethiopia in contrast to the teachings of the Torah and Moses (PBUH).

Rabbis say racial discrimination between white Jews and Ethiopian black immigrants and their exposure to poverty, illness, and non-employment in occupied territories and scandals such as getting blood under the name of blood donation are incompatible with Jewish teachings.

For this reason, hundreds of Jews active in the social and human rights fields each year gather in front of the Zionist Lobby Summit, called AIPAC, and express their beliefs with slogans such as "AIPAC is not our representative of American Jews," "this regime is the apartheid," "finish the occupation of Palestine," "war with Iran never," "the Jews to boycott Israel," "the Jews for Justice in Palestine," and "Judaism rejects Zionism."

Overall, the differences between the world's Jews and the Zionist regime and the disgust of the inhumane behaviors of this Zionist regime have this regime more than ever isolated and hated. Some experts believe that in the event of a referendum on the occupied territories to determine the future system, most Jews who do not consider Israel to be their representative will vote for the destruction of Zionism and apartheid, and as the South African racist regime collapses with people's votes, the life of Zionist regime will also end.

Mohsen Pakayin, an expert in International Relations

 (The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the IPIS)

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